
2022-12-15 22:18:57     来源:腾讯新闻

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panic[ˈpænɪk]n. 惶恐,惊恐,惊慌 v.(使)恐慌,(使)惊慌失措


n. a sudden strong feeling of fear or nervousness that makes you unable to think clearly or behave sensibly

v.to suddenly feel so frightened that you cannot think clearly or behave sensibly, or to make someone do this


get into a panic 陷入恐慌

a state of panic惊慌状态

panic sb into doing sth 某人仓惶行事;某人仓促行动


He gotinto a panic that he would forget his lines on stage.他紧张起来,怕自己在台上会忘记台词。

The unexpected and sudden memory briefly panicked her. 突然间莫名涌起的回忆让她心头一紧。

She refused to be panicked into making rash promises. 她不肯因恐慌而仓促承诺。







staunch[stɔːntʃ]adj. 忠实的;坚定的


always loyal in supporting a person, organization or set of beliefs or opinions


China will always be a staunch force in safeguarding regional peace and stability. 中国始终是维护地区和平稳定的坚定力量。

He gained a reputation as being a staunch defender/supporter of civil rights. 他坚决捍卫民权,因此赢得了声誉。





recovery[rɪˈkʌvəri]n. 恢复;痊愈


the process of getting better after an illness, injury etc


My father has made a full recovery from the operation. 我父亲手术后已完全康复了。

On her day of discharge, we shared in her delight at her discovery. 在她出院那天,我们分享了她康复的喜悦。



donate[dəʊˈneɪt]vt. 捐赠;(尤指向慈善机构)赠送;献(血);捐献(器官)


1. to give something, especially money, to a person or an organization in order to help them

2. to allow some blood or a body organ to be removed from your body so that it can be used in a hospital to help someone who is ill or injured


donate sth tosb/sth向……捐赠……


This noble gentlement has donated more than a million dollars to the local charity during the past few years. 在过去的几年里,这位高尚的绅士向当地的慈善机构捐赠了一百多万美元。

All donated blood is tested for HIV and other infections. 对所有捐献的血液都会进行艾滋病病毒和其他传染病病毒的检测。




How COVID-19AffectsYour Body


01. What COVID-19 Can Do新冠肺炎能做什么

Doctors continue to learn about the short-term and long-term effects of COVID-19 on your body. For some people, It starts with basic flu symptoms. But it could eventually affect yourlungs,liver,kidneys, and even your brain.


02.How It Spreads新冠肺炎如何传播

Usually the virus makes contact with you when a nearby infected person sends droplets (微滴) into the air by coughing,sneezing, or talking. It spreads easily between people within about 6 feet of each other. An infected person can spread these droplets, even if they don’t feel sick. The virus may infect you after you touch an object, like a doorknob (门把手), that has the virus on it. But that"s not as common.


03.Upper Respiratory&Infection呼吸系统和上呼吸道感染

Once the virus enters the body, it usually settles in the cells thatlineyour nose, sinus cavity (鼻窦腔), and throat. For most people, this is where it stays. Symptoms often follow, but you may not feel anything for up to 2 weeks, as the virus starts to invade (侵略) healthy cells andreproduce. You can transmit (传播) it to others even if you don"t show any symptoms.


04.Other Common Symptoms其他常见症状

The first symptoms that typically appear include a fever, headache,sorethroat, and dry cough. But what you"ll feel can vary widely in this early stage. You may also have:

● Shortnessof breath

● Chills, fever, body aches

● Loss of sense of smell or taste


●Stuffy (不通的) orrunnynose

● Nausea (恶心) or diarrhea (腹泻)


● 呼吸急促

● 发冷、发烧、身体疼痛

● 嗅觉或味觉丧失

● 异常疲倦

● 鼻塞或流鼻涕

● 恶心或腹泻

05.Lower Respiratory Infection下呼吸道感染

If yourimmune systemcan’t subdue (制服) COVID-19 in the first week or so, the virus may move down into your lungs. There, it attacks cells that line them. Fluid (液体) and mucus (黏液)build upand make it harder to get oxygen to your blood. It gets tough to breathe. This is pneumonia (肺炎). Most peoplerecoverin a week or two, but it can take longer.



Inacuterespiratory distress [n.(肉体的)剧痛] syndrome (综合征) (ARDS), your COVID-19 pneumonia gets worse quickly, and your body"s response can damage your lungs more. The tiny, delicate air sacs (囊) (called alveoli) that transfer oxygen to your blood start to fill with gunk (黏性物质). X-rays and CTscanscan show large parts of your lung getting no air at all. Oxygen levels in your blood get dangerously low, and you"ll probably need a ventilator (人工呼吸器) to help you breathe.


07.Immune System Issues免疫系统问题

Many doctors think an overblown (过分的) immune response causes many of the more serious consequences of COVID-19. Levels of chemical signalingagentscalled cytokines (细胞因子) get so high that immune cells start to attack healthytissues. Doctors might call this a cytokine storm. It can lead to things like low blood pressure, organ failure, and blood vessel damage.


08.Heart Problems心脏问题

Doctors have noticed a number of heart issues in people with COVID-19, especially in those who are seriously ill. These include:——

Arrhythmia (心律不齐):A skipping or racing heart

Cardiomyopathy (心肌症).:Your heart gets weaker from thickened, stiffened (硬化的) heart tissue.

Acute cardiac (心脏的) injury.:Your body releases high levels of a protein called troponin (肌钙蛋白).:This normally happens when your heart is damaged.

Shock:When your heart can"t pump enough blood for your body







09.Trouble With Blood Vessels血管问题

COVID-19 seems to be able to attack cells that line your blood vessels. Aside from heart issues, it can also cause blood clots (血块) that lead to astrokeor pulmonary (肺的) embolism (栓塞). People who are seriously ill with COVID-19 often have much more of a substance doctors call “D-dimer” in their blood. Thatsignalsmore blood clots.



10.Brain-Related Problems脑相关问题

COVID-19 appears to cause problems with yournervoussystem as well, including seizures (癫痫). They can be due to swelling (肿胀) in the brain or inflammation (炎症) of your central nervous system. Other symptoms that could be linked to your brain include:

● Loss ofconsciousness

● Loss of sense of smell



● 失去意识

● 嗅觉丧失

● 中风

11.Liver Issues肝脏问题

Up to half of the people in the hospital for COVID-19 have enzyme (酶) levels in their blood that signal liver damage. It may not be the virus itself that causes it.Medicationor anoverworkedimmune system can cause this, too.


12.Eye Problems眼睛问题

About a third of people in the hospital for COVID-19 get conjunctivitis (结膜炎), which you might know as pinkeye (红眼). It happens when a virus, bacteria, or allergen (过敏原) irritates (刺激) the tissue that covers your eye and the inside of your eyelids (眼睑).


13. Kidney Damage肾损伤

This is common in people who are seriously ill from COVID. Medication, a misfiring immune system, low blood pressure, and conditions you had before you got the virus can all contribute to this.


14. No Symptoms?没有症状?

Some studies show that up to 40% of people with COVID-19 are “asymptomatic (无症状的).” That means they don’t feel sick or have symptoms. But the virus can still affect your body. X-rays and CT scans of some people without symptoms show lung damage including “ground-glass (磨砂玻璃) opacities (不透明体),” a typical lung lesion (损害) in people with COVID-19.






标签: 免疫系统 带有病毒 细胞因子
